18 Galleries! Page of 2 Bagels. Lox. Tefillin. Monthly "BLT" combines food for mind, body, and soul! Chanukah by the Numbers How many hot Latkes did we distribute? Cups of cider? Chocolate Gelt for kids? Mezuzah Mania Need a Mezuzah? Know anyone who does? Please call us... We deliver for you! Meaningful Adult Education Relevant, thought-provoking classes that will enrich your life! Your Second Jewish Home The Harold Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center welcomes you and your family! We Make House Calls High Holidays... Chanukah... Passover... Any day... We'll come to you! A Very Happy Chanukah The inspiration of the candles were felt by hundreds -- one by one! Visiting the Rebbe's Ohel A most meaningful journey that is sure to uplift you! Shake It Up During Sukkot, we took the Lulav on the road -- and brought joy to many! In the Media We make a special effort to get the word out -- and get the people in! Super Seder A record-breaking crowd enjoyed an engaging and meaningful Pesach Seder! Tefillin Wrap Binding mind and heart while connecting to our ancestors and to Hashem! Page of 2