Hello! Nice to meet you.
Let me introduce our Rabbi and Executive Director. Rabbi Yosef Wolvovsky was born in Milwaukee, WI and moved to Brooklyn, NY as a child. Our Associate Director and Rebbetzin is Yehudis Wolvovsky. She grew up in West Hartford, CT.
Rabbi Yosef and Yehudis were raised in homes that celebrated Jewish life with joy. Their strong Jewish education is an incredible gift they want to share. Imbued with a strong sense of Jewish pride and love for others, they are so grateful to be living their dream in Glastonbury, CT.
As you can tell, there are lots more on the team. Rabbi Yosef and Yehudis have been blessed with an incredible gang of children. Their children are partners on the the Chabad team. They have a passion for Torah and sharing their knowledge with others. Among the staff we have bakers, Hebrew School tutors, chefs, poets and lots more talent.
The entire team looks forward to serving you!